
Przegląd prasy/Press room

Coś dla moli książkowych...
Something for the bookworms...

50 beautiful books

Exquisite editions to add to your bookcase

There's only one thing better than curling up with a really good book - and that's when the book in question brings you pleasure from the simply looking at its cover.


25 most beautiful college libraries
Czego waszym zdaniem brakuje na tej liście?
What is missing from the list according to you?


Cult books of 2012

The coolest must-reads of the year

Czy czytałyście już coś może z tej listy?
Have you perhaps read something from this list already?


The 20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World


Have You Been To The Mobile Library?

Londyńczycy - dajcie znać czy nadal jest ta usługa dostępna:)
Londoners - let me know if it's still available:)


A Must Read

Ktoś już może to przeczytał i też poleca?
Has anyone read it and would also recommand it?

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